The police in Abuja last Saturday February sixth, upset a gay wedding between the two men presented previously. The wedding between Abdul Lawal (right) why should gathered be the spouse and Umar Tahir (left) the wife, should hold at a mainstream inn in Jiwa Community of Abuja, King's Land Hotel in Abuja. Following up on a tip off, the police laid attack at the venue of the wedding.
Visitors had as of now begun arriving the venue of their wedding which was very much adorned and when the spouse and man of the hour, both from Kaduna state, arrived the venue, they were quickly captured and taken to the Gwagwa Police Station where they were kept.
Observers say that other individuals, including the backers of the wedding, administrator of the event and the proprietor of the lodging were likewise captured amid the strike.
The patrons of the marriage were named as Abubakar Tahir and Mohammed Sani.
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